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*Valido fino al 19/01/2025. Fino al 25% di sconto su articoli non scontati e fino al -10% extra su una selezione di articoli già in saldo. Alcuni articoli potrebbero essere esclusi. Il buono non è cumulabile con altre promozioni.
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The label was founded in 2017 by the Dutch designer Elza Wandler. From the beginning, the Amsterdam Fashion Institute graduate focused on elegant geometric shapes and functional design. Her approach aims for modern femininity: Wandler's creations are wearable from morning to night and captivate with distinctive shapes and a wide colour palette. Most Wandler bags are named after friends and family members of Elza Wandler. All models, therefore, contain a personal touch and a very special character. Sustainability is also important to the designer. Only leather from the food industry is used for the production of Wandler bags. Vegetable tanning processes are applied to some models. For the Wandler bags made of calfskin, the hides come from a tannery that is certified by the Leather Working Group. Production takes place in a waste-reduced way: the leather cuttings are used to make accessories or are donated for creative purposes.
When creating a new bag, in addition to dynamic use of colours, premium quality and modern femininity, I prioritize the product design to have a high functional use to it.Elza Wandler
It's simple: we offer you a large selection and the best price for all models! If you are interested in bargains only, you will find many Wandler bags on sale. Whether it's a Wandler handbag, tote or shoulder bag, with us you benefit from fast delivery. We usually ship your order within 24 hours.
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